ZMarkov: it is the synthetic time series generated through Markov model ZReal_Data: it is the real discretized time series In the mat file you will find the following variables (in case you have chosen 'both models'): The output mat file with all the variables will collocate automatically in the folder where the data are loaded. At the end of the Monte Carlo simulation the histograms of the probability distribution functions are shown in simple plot in order to check the validity of the modeling. The toolbox permits to chose the data and matrices saving or not and the kind of model (Markov, semi-Markov or both models).
mat file, namely data.mat, with wind speed discretized data, in order to test the app. mat with only one variable: the discrete time series.Īt the link ( ) it is possible to download a. The input of the toolbox is a discrete time series that must be given through a file. The semi-Markov Toolbox allows to create Markov and semi-Markov models based on a real discrete, or previously discretized, phenomenon.